Answers to Your Family Law Questions
Can I get a divorce without an attorney?
Yes, that is always an option, however, Florida divorce law can be quite complex. Even if filing for an uncontested divorce, proper timing and filing must be done in order to ensure the process is done correctly. It is also important that the Settlement Agreement be clear and legally binding.
What is alimony?
Alimony is also known as spousal support and is defined as the support paid to the dependent spouse that continues after the marriage has been dissolved. There are several types of alimony in Florida. Depending on your financial situation and that of your spouse, you may be eligible to receive alimony or you may be the one required to support your ex-spouse. Call our office for more information regarding alimony.
How does one test for paternity?
The most accurate way to determine paternity is through a DNA test.
What happens when a divorced spouse wants to move out of state and there are children involved?
Child custody is an important issue in any divorce and whenever there is a change in circumstances affecting custody or visitation, a written agreement or court order is required. Our office is well equipped to handle this situation for you. Relocation is a difficult issue in family law. We know the statues and case law so we can help with these issues
How is property separated in a divorce?
Under Florida law, the court must try to make an "equitable distribution" of marital property and debts. "Equitable" does not always mean "equal," although that is the starting point. Many factors, including child support, custody, and alimony awards, can cause the court to make an unequal (but still equitable) division of property. The court will not generally divide the property and debts that arise outside the marriage.
What if I don't have minor children, do I still need an attorney?
Yes, because there are property, asset and retirement issues to deal with.
What about retirement accounts in a divorce?
We can help with division of retirement accounts through the use of a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO).
Get all of your family law questions answered. Call Bogle Law today!